Flowers: Barbary fig
Topics :: Flowers :: Barbary fig -- ដំបងយក្ស
Khmer Name: ដំបងយក្ស
English Name: Barbary fig
Other Names: Dombong Yeak
Scientific Name:
Chuon Nath: ឈ្មោះប្រទាលមួយប្រភេទ មានបន្លាតូចៗ ច្រូងច្រាងគេតែងដាំធ្វើជាបង : ដើមដំបងយក្ស, របងដំបងយក្ខ ។
Headley: cactus; barbary fig
Source: (>op=5145 )
This cactus are not so pupular in Cambodia though it is a tropical plant. However, there are still grown wild mostly on hills and mountains, around buddhist sites and other ritual places.
There are many kinds of Pka Dombong Yeak which has different appearance from shapes to colors.
Though it is the same family with other Pka Dombong Yeak, but it gives different kind of flowers such as this one. Some people would call it Pka Reasey.