Khmer Oldies
Topics :: Khmer Oldies Songs
Mietophoum CDs Collection - បណ្ណាល័យមាតុភូមិ (Wat Phnom - វត្តភ្នំ)
Khmer Oldies songs list contains over 3,000 songs (from 1975 and earlier) mainly from Wat Phnom production (Mietophoum). The song search is a full text search that matches any words in the song title, singers, or lyric.
Display by song title alphabetically:
| ក ខ គ ឃ ង
| ច ឆ ជ ឈ ញ
| ដ ថ ឌ ឍ ណ
| ប ផ ព ភ ម
| យ រ ល វ ស
| ហ ឡ អ
| ឥ ឦ ឧ ឩ ឪ
ឫ ឬ ឭ ឮ ឯ ឰ ឱ ឳ
Browse Mietophoum Production CDs
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